Once again Team Hally would love to partner with local churches by distributing Bibles to children who don’t own their own Bibles.
If your church has a summer Bible program for children, let us know and we can provide Bibles to these precious children. Jesus loves children “but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14 — and so does Team Hally! Hally loved to read her Bible when she was only nine years old and we would love to have thousands of kiddos reading their Hally Bibles this summer.
Also, as many churches head all over the world on mission trips this summer, Team Hally has English, Spanish and French Bibles that we’d love to send with anyone who is willing to carry God’s Word to other countries.
Finally, many churches find it helpful to have children all reading from the same version of the Bible during Sunday school, so once again, contact us if the Team Hally Bible would be a benefit to your children’s program on Sunday mornings.