What an amazing year it has been for Team Hally! God has proven his faithfulness and steadfast love in so many ways to our little ministry team. “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.” Deuteronomy 7:9
As we reflect on the year, it truly is overwhelming to see how God continued to give us abundant opportunities to distribute bibles, to have both our Team Hally game, as well as our annual Dirty Dash, to grow the ministry in new ways using social media, and to answer so many prayers.
As the year began, more than 100 faithful friends and family gathered at Bramlage Coliseum in Manhattan to cheer on the Kansas State University women’s basketball team for our annual Team Hally game. Each year we try something new for the game and in 2020 we distributed more than 250 beanies to fans, in support of the team, as well as Team Hally. Those hats can still be seen around Hally’s school, as well as at K-State football games! It was also such a joy to have many of the coaches and the team join Team Hally fans after the game for a meal and to cheer on the Chiefs as they won a playoff game! Go Chiefs! God’s continued blessing over our partnership with the KSU women’s basketball team is truly heartwarming!
The opportunities we had to give bibles in 2020 were completely dependent on God and His direction. “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) Looking back, we could never have imagined the doors that would open and how not having control was actually a much more fulfilling year! As vacation bible school after vacation bible school was cancelled, our prayer team cried out to the Lord for Him to show us how, where, and when to give bibles. The emails, phone calls, and random opportunities came flooding in! As a result, Team Hally has distributed more than 2,000 English bibles, 600 Spanish bibles, and 250 French bibles (which are headed to Haiti). Bibles have gone to the Philippines, Nicaragua, as well as Ethiopia, War Eagle camp in Arkansas, In His Wakes waterski camps, Heartland Camp, Bread of Life ministry, to KSU students, Dream Center, local churches and youth groups, Jenny’s Spanish students at Mighty Oaks, and to our very special bible-giving partner Howard in Indianapolis.
These bibles wouldn’t be possible without the faithful and sacrificial giving of so many! Our annual Dirty Dash not only saw more than 400 runners and spectators, but was also a day of giving! Our goal was $25,000 and we raised more than $30,000. We truly cannot express the depth of our gratitude for everyone who made the Dirty Dash possible this year. In addition, even the KSU women’s basketball team showed their continued support by creating their own fun run in Manhattan to encourage our ministry! I am thanking God for giving us a beautiful day, venue, and opportunity to run for bibles.
Finally, as the year draws to a close, we see how each month as our prayer team gathers to pray over individuals, churches, the K-State women’s basketball team, specific ministry needs, and the ministry in general, that God not only hears our prayers, but delights in answering our prayers. Phil 4:19 has definitely proven true over and over again. We all have been reminded this year that “all flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.” 1 Peter 1:24-25