In 2018, the Yust family was invited to attend a fundraising event for Global Orphan Project. This ministry exists to break the orphan cycle through the power of community, commerce and the love of Jesus. Global Orphan Project provides sustainable, local, family-style care that is deeply rooted in compassion, hope and the belief that every child deserves a chance. Following this event, a journey began to get French Bibles to Haiti.
We had no idea at the time this would end up being a long, difficult, and sometimes frustrating process. Sadly, Haiti has experienced ongoing violence, political turmoil, and corruption for many years. This has made the delivery of food, supplies, and assistance from outside of the country very difficult. Several months after Team Hally met with Global Orphan Project, Shon and Jenny were on a business trip brainstorming how to get Bibles to Haiti. A friend who was also on this trip suggested a ministry in South Carolina that sends medical supplies to Haiti and perhaps they would be willing to take the Bibles. We were filled with hope that this would be an easy process! Our contact Nancy Smith was so great to work with and even asked if we could send some Bibles for their church.
Then, who would have known that a global pandemic would stop the world? After months of waiting, we realized this effort had become nearly impossible. As soon as we thought we had run out of all options, Nancy found a ministry that flies supplies in to remote areas of Haiti. The Bibles had to wait for several flights because they needed to get the medical supplies there first, but finally at the end of 2021 the Bibles made it to the Village of David!
This journey is still unfolding and we’ll keep you updated as we continue learn more about the impact these Bibles are making in Haiti.